Sunday, December 28, 2008

People Just Like You Are Making $2,000-$3,000 A Month Or More!

There are a lot of people out there in internet land who are trying to sell you some crazy get rich quick scheme, or wanting you to sign up for their new hot program. However if you're like me, and have tried most of them, you are tired of people trying to sell you on the next great idea. Believe me when I say I completely understand you, I am completely burnt out on MLM and money making schemes. So when I finally came across something online that actually works, I was shocked to say the least.

I found a program by a company called Acme Search Engine recently and was really impressed with what I found. I had actually made money on week one (yes I did say week one), and so I feel it is something that is worth sharing with others. First of all let me start out by saying it is completely free to start up which is always what we want to here right? So now that I have made that clear, let me explain a little of the background of the program. The company was founded by a man name Tissa Godavitarne who put a large amount of money into creating a niche search engine which caters to almost 30% of what people are searching for on Google: people searches. The system he put in place made him nearly 2 million dollars in 2007, and he is giving his affiliates an exact replica of that system.
Basically the search engine generates affiliate commissions by giving away FREE people search results. So whenever someone receives search results, you receive commissions from the affiliates, some paying up to $30. It is the fact that the results are free that gives you that much needed edge over your competitors. However this is only part of what Tissa is giving away, he also advertises your search engine for free on Google, Yahoo, and MSN sending tons of traffic to your site each month. But wait! There's more! He also has a really wonderful referral program which can earn you as much as $30 per referral and he gives you $125 (free money) just for being a part of his program.

So after all of that, I hope you can see at least a little of why I am so excited about this program. I would like for you to share in the same success that I and affiliates around the world have experienced, so please visit the site, read what Tissa has to say (take a look at his gorgeous house!) and get signed up today. I look forward to making money online with you!


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